Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developmentのおすすめランキング

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developmentのおすすめランキングのアイテム一覧

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developmentのおすすめ作品のランキングです。ブクログユーザが本棚登録している件数が多い順で並んでいます。
『Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust, Volume 1: Increasing Transparency through Legislation (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)』や『OECD Studies on Environmental Innovation Environmental Policy, Technological Innovation and Patents』や『Labour Market Policies and the Public Employment Service: Lessons from Recent Experience and Directions for the Future (The Prague Conference (Oecd Proceedings)』などOrganisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developmentの全2258作品から、ブクログユーザおすすめの作品がチェックできます。

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